Alexia Sinclair is an award winning Australian photographic and digital artist. Her photographic
and illustrative artworks are housed in important art collections throughout Australia. An exhibiting
artist since the early 90’s, Sinclair’s distinct style is celebrated in magazines throughout the world.
Born in Newcastle in 1976, Sinclair spent the first ten years of her life living in the city by the
ocean before moving into a broken down antique Courthouse in the countryside of the Hunter
Valley. Lovingly restoring it, the Sinclair’s opened a spectacular European restaurant within its
cells. Growing up in a kitchen was to see Sinclair cook for many years to support her devoted love
of art making, culminating in a season cooking in the Greek Islands. Her life loves have always
been creatively based. Dancing as a ballerina from a young age has heavily influenced the
performance aspect of her art making where role-play is ever-present.

Elizabeth I – The Virgin Queen

Macbeth - NZ Opera

Elizabeth Báthory – The Countess of Blood

Cleopatra - The Seductress

Christina of Sweden - The Androgynous Queen

Isabella of Spain - The Catholic

Olympias - The Sorceress

Alexandra Romanov - The Last Czarina

Eleanor of Aquitaine - The Eagle

Marquis de Sade – The Sadist (1740–1814)

Agrippina - The Poisoness

Beauty Shot: Louise Van De Vorst

Lady of Justice

Lorenzo de Medici - The Magnificent - (1449–1492)

Princess Bazaar

Vlad Drăculea – Son of the Dragon (1431 – 1476)

Boudica – The Celtic Queen

Marie Antoinette - The Extravagant Queen

Catherine the Great - The Enlightened Empress

Website : Alexia Sinclair

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